Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Yes, I am just now getting around to doing my trick or treat post! Sugie looked less like a Punky Brewster this time but she did still wear her wings upside down because when I turned them the right way they hit her in the head and she was not too thrilled about that! HA! Anyway, she was not into the trick or treating a whole lot but did like to ring the door bell and put the candy in her bucket which she refused to carry! :) Anyway, here are the pics.

The Fam

We started at the neighbors house. Sugie is always watching all the big kids intently. Here she looks like she is talking it over with them!

The girls of the neighborhood! No boys allowed!

This was the first door. Sugie stood in the back and was very unsure and then left when the other girls did! Obviously we needed a different angle on this trick or treating!

So the next door we went it alone including ringing the door bell and she got her candy!
Then put it in the bucket!


I thought I would put this pic in of Sugie and Duke's girlfriend Maggie. She is much more tolerant of Sugie climbing all around her! :)

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