Monday, November 15, 2010

It warms my soul.... finally see my Sugie playing "dress up" with her dolls. The above picture is horrible but it is evidence. My flash was off and then about the time I got the camera Trev came in the door and Duke was running all around so I lost the moment. As I have mentioned before she really has shown no interest in her dolls. If you would ask her about her baby she would get the dolls for you to play with but she could care less! Anyway, in the last week she has started putting her shoes and socks on the babies (and stuffed animals). Doesn't seem like much but it is a lot to me! Anyay, here are a few pics of her a daddy playing babies. :)

Socks on a sock monkey! HA!

Socks and shoes for the sock monkey!

Or how about a tiny baby with big old Sugie shoes! HA! :)
I love you little Sugar bear! You are getting so big in the last few months! :)

1 comment:

Mommy's Journeys said...

Too cute! I remember when the girls started doing that. Hope still does it! :) She went to bed the other night with her puppy dog/doll wearing her socks!