Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gestation of a....

You are probably wondering the gestation of a what? Well, that has been the joke between me and my sister the last couple of years regarding the adoption of her 3rd child from Guatemala. Her family decided that they would adopt HG about 3 years ago when she was only 3 years old. My sister had no idea it would be such a LONG road. We used to always say well I guess you must now endure the gestation of a "insert animal" until the gestation of a elephant had come and gone and I think that it has one of the longest at 2 years! In a world of scheduled inductions and c-sections no one really wants to "wait" on their "baby" to come so enduring 3 years is crazy for most to imagine. I probably couldn't do it but then of course I am not my sister and I am pretty sure she is super woman! HA! :) Anyway, just thought I would share the good news and ask you for a little thought and prayer on Thursday morning as they wait on another piece of the puzzle to come together for her to finally come home. Oh ya, that pic above is "super sister" and HG themselves. You can read more about the journey here.

1 comment:

Mommy's Journeys said...

Thanks, Silster. I'm packing up to head out in a few hours. Oh my! Is an airport greeting from her aunt, uncle and cousins in order??? :)