Monday, September 12, 2011

Momma's yogurt

I don't know about any of you but this summer I have had the worst luck with fruit! I swear it either didn't taste good or did taste good but would be modly or rotten in like 2 days. I was so sick of wasting food and money and then having to return the store and buy more! So I decided to blend it and freeze and thus "Momma's Yogurt" as Bailey calls it was born!

I have a certain someone that loves to help me make it! We usually use bananas and strawberries first.

Watch out the help may eat the ingredients. Don't tell this little girl that I have also snuck in carrots as well.

AFter the fruit I would then add all natural no sugar added yogurt. This girl can put away some gogurts and I do buy them still but lets face it that there isn't that much great stuff in those! HA!

Anyway, you could add ice and make a smoothie right when you make it and drink up. I freeze it in these little containers and then defrost them a bit and chop them up to eat.
It is like healthy ice cream! :)

It definelty gets Bailey's approval!

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