Thursday, September 8, 2011

7 months old

Hey there sister bear! You are now 7 months old! Can you believe it? Actually you have been 7 months old for 5 whole days now but your mommy is just now getting around to making this post. Seems like you have really changed a lot in the last month so here is what you are up to.

1) You wear 6/9 month clothes and even a few 12 month outfits. You wear a size 3 diaper and probably weigh between 16 and 17 pounds.

2) It seems you have been extra smiley lately and are really starting to laugh. Sometimes you really get a good belly laugh going when watching your crazy sister or when I tickle you.

3) You are sitting so well now. You sometimes will fall over but you can for sure sit for long periods of time and reach and pick up toys.

4) You love to be on the go and hardly cry when we are out and about. Usually you get fussy when you get tired and are ready for a nap but the other day at the zoo I looked down and you were totally asleep and I had never heard a peep out of you.

5) You take 3 naps a day. Usually a small nap in the morning a longer mid day nap and then a cat nap in later afternoon. I have learned that if you take a big nap in the later afternoon you wake up like a werewolf around 4:30 or 5 am. That is no bueno for your mommy. You go to bed around 8 and get up around 7. You still have a snack or 2 in the night. If you get up in the really early morning hours then I usually just leave you in bed with me because mommy is to tired to put you back and you seem to always sleep a little later cuddled up to me.

6) You make the same little cabbage patch smile that your sister used to make and it really makes me smile.

7) You love taking a bath and you love to be outside. I am so happy that it has cooled of the last few days and we have got to enjoy more outside time.

8) I finally got the jumparoo down for you and you love that thing. You can really get it bouncing and you smile and smile.

9) WHen you cry now you have put in the "ma ma ma ma" sound. While I know you are not calling me it still makes me want to get to you faster when I hear it. :)

10) You are really good about eating food. You only eat an ounce or two a day though. So far you have had bananas, pears, green beans, sweet potatos, and carrots. I think you favorite is sweet potatos and pears.

Stop growing up so fast my sister bear! Here is a video of you in your jumparoo. I think you love it as much as your sister did. You can see her video here.

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