Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

We met up with my family (minus Karen and her family because the kids had a program at church) for lunch today. Bailey was a good little angel at lunch despite being close to nap time. She enjoyed eating salad and steak and laughing at her cousins. Here are a few pics. Excuse them if I look a little sleepy. Bailey was up every 1 - 2 hours last night. I think maybe she was reminding me of her newborn days! HA! I am not sure what the problem was. She has a 2 molar teeth coming in and also had a pretty nasty diaper this morning with undigested salad so maybe her belly was upset. That girl can put away some salad!

Me, Mom and Mel

Mom, Mel and and grandkids

My little family who I love so much!

Dear Sugar Bear~
It's mothers day and you are only 16 months old. You make me laugh every day and I can not imagine my life without you. Before I was born I used to love all of my "fur" kids so deeply that I really didn't know if it was possible to love something else so much. Sounds a little silly to most but I have never liked leaving my fur children to go on vacation or even work for that matter. Once you were born you taught me a love that is like no other. Sometimes I think I could just explode with love because I seriously love you that much. Tonight when I put you to bed I just felt so lucky to be your mom. I usually nurse you then kiss you good night and lay you down and you grab your sucky and get nestled in your crib. Tonight I nursed you and the held you close with your head on my chest. you rubbed my chest with your sweet little hand and I was reminded once again that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much my little Sugar Bear!

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