Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just a Playin' in the Rain and 17 months!

Guess what Sugie? you are 17 months old! In just one month it will be your 1/2 year birthday! :) God gave you a little present today and sent a big storm. It rained and rained so much that the back patio at our rent house got flooded with water. It was quite a treat for you! I figured I would include the pics here in our 17 month post.

1) You weigh between 25 - 26 pounds, wear a size 4 diaper, size 5 shoe and 18/24 month clothes

2) You are still happy most of the time but have learned to throw quite a fit when you don't get your way. It is quite a site to see you throw yourself on the floor and act like you are mortally wounded. Poor Sugie Bear.

3) you are getting better about saying more and more words these days and still doing really well with your sign language.

4) You have become a really good eater. you love catfish and fruit the most

5) You love water and everything about it. So glad God sent you a little water present today.

6) When you get to do something you really like you smile so big and look like you are having the time of your life.

7) You are very independent and love to explore your world. You can still give some good cuddles. You still nurse about 3 times a day and I am thankful to get that cuddle time with you.

8) You still love to swing and have your swing sign down quite good. Which is much better than your crying to get your way

9) You bully Duke around but I think he still loves you so. He enjoyed playing in the water with you today.

10) You are also in this big "monkey see, monkey do" phase. Since your only sibling is a dog you lapped up water just like him. He He! You can also be found doing things just like mommy and daddy too. Like just this evening you were trying to fill up your cup at the water cooler.

11) Lately you have really seemed to be a Daddy's girl and I think sometimes prefer him over me. For the record he took these pictures and was in charge of watching you! He He!
We love you so much Sugar Bear and really enjoy watching you grow, laugh and play. You make us smile everyday and we can't imagine our lives without you! LOVE YOU LOTS AND LOTS!

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