Thursday, May 2, 2013

One finger rule

Let's face it, when you are a little kid going shopping with mom is not so much fun but it has to bed done! HA! I saw on a mommy blog a long time ago about the "one finger rule."  The one finger rule is where kids can touch whatever they want but it can only be done with one finger.  Ideally this way they can't break anything because they can't pick it up.  I read about it when Bailey was almost 3 I think and started doing it with her.  It made such a difference and made her happier and me too!  Since Bailey was already doing it I have been telling Mckenzie the same rule since she could bascially walk.  Up until recently I would have to say it OVER AND OVER AND OVER again but she would do it.  Recently however, one reminder at the beginning of the shopping trip and I didn't have to repeat myself 100 times! So, I just thought I would pass this little tip along.  I don't know if it works for all kids but it has worked for us....well most of the time anyway! HA! 
Thanks for listening today twist and letting mommy shop in Kirklands! :)

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