Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day!

We had a low key Christmas but it was nice.  Mimi and Poppy came over and we opened presents, had lunch, and played with the new toys. :)

This is what it looked like on Christmas morning.  Santa brought Bailey a dollhouse and sister a bead thing.  Oh and he also brought Bailey a little dog house.  If you are friends with me on Facebook then you know that for some reason Bailey had started asking us for a dog house.  Not really sure what it was about but she was unimpresed with the A frame dog house that Santa made! HA! 

Sister was up first of course and she was happy to find her present.  Poor thing has been sleeping horrible and not been a very happy camper so this was probably the happiest that she was all of Christmas.

I finally woke Sugie up at 9 and told her that Santa had come and brought presents.  She said, "Presents for me!" HA! 

She was pretty impressed with the doll house.

Here is a better look at her "dog house" As you can see Santa had to make do with what he found in the house. 

She had said she wanted the dog house to sleep in.  So she did lay down to "sleep" in it once and then later tried to climb the dog house and then never cared about it after that!

After she had started talking about the dog house I was worried that the doll house was just going to be lame but by Christmas night she was still playing with the Barbies and asking me to change their clothes.  I forgot how hard it is to get Barbie in and out of her clothes.

We didn't open any other presents until Mimi and Poppy came over.  Usually the older cousins are the present deliverers but since they weren't here Bailey filled in.  She thought that was as fun as openeing the presents.

Helping daddy open his present

Sugie tearing into a present.

Mckenzie and Poppy checking out some new toys.

Duke helping Mimi crochet! Silly dog! HA!

We had a great time.  THanks for coming over Mimi and Poppy.

Oh and I almost forgot! This is what Santa brought me!

WE don't usually do presents for ourselves but I am glad Santa brought me this one! :)  Unlimited, hastle and mess free fire!

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