Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Moms aren't suppose to get sick. Right?

Wrong! The stomach bug plague hit our house yesterday and did so with a vengence. I woke up not feeling quite right but kept convincing myself I was fine. I could tell Bailey must not have felt good either becasue she was refusing to eat except for nurse. Again, I was in denail. I started feeling pretty bad and was oh so thankful it was nap time. I lay her down and tried to get some rest myself but that "oh this is going not be good" feeling kept coming over me and then my mouth started watering and I bet you know the rest. I thought Bailey is going to be up soon and I am going to need Trev to come home. So, I called him but he didn't answer and then the next thing I heard was the sound of someone barfing too. It was Trev in the driveway he had just come home from work....you guessed it sick as a dog too. It is quite comical to look back on it now but it was ugly yesterday. Bailey was a good sport and went about playing with her toys as we made our MANY trips to the bathroom but she still refused to eat and I nursed her the best my dehydrated body could. Thank god she was ready for an early bed and was asleep by 6:45 so that Trev and I could finish suffering without having to worry about her. At like 10:00 my body finally stopped rejecting itself and I was able to fall asleep. I heard Bailey wake up at like 10:30 and it sounded like she was coughing or was she barfing? I waited a minute because to be honest I had about zero energy left in me and thought if she is barfing she was start crying but she didn't and resettled back to sleep and I tried to get some sleep too despite feeling like being run over by a Mac truck. At around 1 I came to and felt well enough to be worried about Bailey. So, I go into her room and as soon as I open her door the smell hits me and then I look in her crib and she is sleeping soundly in her own barf! I felt horrible and then instantly felt like something must be wrong with her if she never even cried. So, I go and wake Trev up. We get her up get her changed, sheets changed, a bath, and she is laughing and acting completly fine. I nursed her the best I could and got her back to sleep and then heard her barf again so got up and repeated above routinue and then nursed her and got her back to sleep again!

Anyway, me and Trev woke up this morning feeling like we had been run over but at least were not in the bathroom every 10 minutes. Bailey has not been sick since and is eating again today so I guess she is feeling better. I am dehydrated and so she wanting to nurse about every 2 or 3 hours but that is fine by me. We tried offering a bottle but she didn't want it and is drinking water so I guess she is getting what she needs. I think babies are super smart and she knew what she needed to do the day she woke up and that was to not eat and nurse nurse.

So, we have survived and are now eating saltine crackers, drinking gatorade and are now eating some soup. Trev and I have known each other for 8 years and NEVER been sick at the same time and I hope that we don't have a repeat performance any time soon...no make that EVER!

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