Tuesday, January 26, 2010

13 months

Sugar bear you are 13 months old today! You are so happy all the time and so much fun! I could play with you all day and listen to you laugh! Anyway, this is what you are up to these days..

1) Weigh between 23 - 24 pounds, wear a size 4 diaper and 18 month clothes

2) You are pretty good about feeding yourself most anything but fruits and veggies. You frown at the texture of them. You are going through a phase too where you really like something one day and refuse to eat it the next day. However you never shy away from yogurt, baby food green beans or goldfish crackers! You also are very eager to eat whatever we eat and have even had spicy chili.

3) You are still nursing about 3 times a day. You nurse the most in the morning and after I pick you up in the afternoon. Some days it seems you are nursing less and then the next day it seems like you are 9 months old again. I wouldn't trade it for the world though

4) You go to bed between 7 and 8 and get up around 7. You are getting to were you only take one 2 -3 hour nap but sometimes still need a short morning nap especially if you have to get up early.

5) You love music and to laugh and dance to all your toys
6) You are getting better at walking by the day and within the last few days will walk without being enticed a few steps but still prefer crawling. I wish you would walk soon because the weather will be nice and crawling outside is hard!
7) You still love Duke to pieces and either say dog or Duke I am not sure which but is is different than dada. You laugh at him every day
8) You have 4 teeth. 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. The ones next to the top ones look like they might be the next to come in
9) You still love bath time and really enjoy pouring water out of your pelican pitcher
10) You love you toy box in the living room full of toys and will pull ALL the toys out
11) You are really good with your hammer and peg toy and it gives you great joy. You even know to turn it over once you have all the pegs hammered in. I think daddy is going to have you start building something before your 2nd birthday. He may think twice though because you also take the pegs and put them into your ball popper! :) He He!

Well that sums up a little about you! There is probably so much more that I am forgetting! What I do know is that me and your daddy love you so much!

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