Thursday, January 21, 2010

Everlasting Balloon?

I am not sure how long Mylar balloons are suppose to hold their helium but I really didn't think it would be close to a month! After Bailey's b-day party I thought I would leave her balloon up for awhile because she likes to play with it like this:

but really thought that in about a week it would deflate and I would take it down. Well here we are almost 4 weeks later and it floating just the same as it was on day one! So, now I leave it up so Bailey can still play with it but truth be told I am just curious to see how long it is going to last now! Any guesses?

Sweet, tired bear thinks it will last forever! :)


Mommy's Journeys said...

Back when HV was a little tyke, they would last 4-6 weeks. When she was potty training (which actually didn't take long but we had already started this!), we bought her one and she would carry it into the bathroom every time she went. So, for probably about 6 months, we had one ALWAYS in our house. Good, cheap fun!

April said...

I read this a few days ago and was gonna say - I finally threw Abby's birthday balloons (Sept 16) away at Christmas. They still had the string pulled all the way up. Now, they weren't as puffy as they were the first month but still provided entertainment for Andrew!