Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blase Family Farm 2013

We went to the Blase Family Farm again in October and the girls had a lot of fun.  We went with MOM group this time instead of with daddy and it was a really warm day.

WARNING: Your eye sight is not going bad.  My camera got into some funky setting and pretty much all my pictures ended up really blurry. :( 

They had a lot of fun feeding the goats.

Most of the pictures are so blurry because they were jumping around and laughing so hard at these goats!

We stood by the how tall sign once again.  Good think that the year 2013 will now be known as the blurry picture year.

Twist thinks she is apart of the Brady Bunch

Silly girls

Twisty, Sugie and Mozelle (she was not impressed with my picture taking). :)

My big girl Sugie bear.  Most of the pics of twist are so blurry you can't even tell they are her! OH well better luck next year!

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