Monday, September 16, 2013

First Day of Pre-k

Sugie started back to school a couple of weeks ago! She was so excited to get back in the groove.  She is still going to the same church she did last year twice a week.
She came home the first day with a full report.  New computer room, new discovery room, same music room but different teacher and color cards for good behavior. She is getting just too big.  I can't even breathe when I think about her going to Kinder next year.  I just can't imagine being away from her everyday! 
Sister wanted to join in the pictures too.  She isn't starting school this year although I seriously considered it because she would love it.  I know that Bailey is going to have a fantastic year!

Here is a comparison to last year.  I should have written Preschool last year but I guess I was out of my mind and never even realized it until the last day of school! HA!

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