Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wake Up

First, the girls pretty much nap at the same time everyday and it is bliss.  I joke with people and tell them that my daily goal every since Mckenzie was born was to make sure that at some point in the day they were both napping at the same time.  At times it has been easier than others and some days it just doesn't work out but some how over the last 1 1/2 years I have tried to make it work every day! HA! Now that sister is down to one nap it is much easier.  Anyway, enough rambling, one of Bailey's favorite things is to still go in and get her up from her nap.  They will play in the crib for sometimes 20 or 30 minutes.  It is pretty cute, sweet and funny.
These 2 have been quite cute and inseperable lately.  It makes me so happy.  I really want them to be close and love having each other around.  Lately when I lay Mckenzie down for a nap or at night instead of calling for me if she doesn't lay down and go right to sleep you hear, "SUGIE!"  Bailey hears her and always says, "Mommy, she needs me! She is calling for me!"  Then she proceeds to try and talk to her over the monitor like it is a walkie talkie!  I love it.  I love them! 
P.S.  I have lowered Mckenzie's crib since this pic was taken.  I know I had it way to high for a while!  She has never tried to climb out though.  Probably because she knows she can just yell "Mommy or Sugie" and someone will come! HA!

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