Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Meet the Teacher

Bailey had meet the teacher this morning for school.  She is so excited.  She came down the stairs this morning at 7:45 (which is early for her) telling me, "Mommy go and take me to school at the church!"  Normally she is still half asleep in the morning and doesn't hardly talk for the first 20 mintues! She was excited!
She picked out her outfit.  I found those cute little tennis shoes at Target on clearance and she told me, "Mommy these will be my school shoes."  I don't know where she came up with that but I was like ok! HA!
Sister was excited to take some picture too. I can usually get better cheeses out of her than Bailey.
Silly girls!
Bailey coloring her bandana.  She is going to finish coloring it and bring it back on Thursday.
She was excited but seemed a little nervous at first.
Sister wanted to help color too.
Checking out the kitchen in the classroom
Helping sister
Playing kitchen with a classmate.  I thin her name may be Ella but not sure. :)
Her classroom has a western theme
We probably stayed in the classroom longer than anyone.  She wasn't ready to go! HA!  I asked her if she wanted to hug her teachers or just wave goodbye and she said "HUG!" Then I asked if she wanted me to take her picture with them.  So, here are her teachers, Ms. Kristin and Ms. Marissa!  I think she is just going to love them.
They have a lot of different rooms for them at the school.  They have a motor lab which I guess is like a big PE room.
So we burned some energy in there
Practicing forward rolls
and swinging.
Then we checked out the discovery lab.  Bailey and Mckenzie dug in the bean thing for fossils.  At some point this year she will get to play with an earth worm and look at acorns and seeds.  Not sure how she will feel about the worm but we shall see! HA!
What she talks about most though is the computer time.  She has pretty much hi jacked my laptop right now. 
Then we stopped and saw the fish and played on the indoor playground.
Sugie Bear,
I know that you are going to love school so much.  I am very excited for you and also a little sad.   You are getting so big.  I feel like I missed a lot your first couple of years of life when I was working but the last 1 1/2 years since I have been home have been great.  You are such my helper and I may just not know what to do with myself when you are gone.  It is only twice a week for a few hours but man I will miss you and will be so excited to go and pick you up and hear about your day. I hope that you will love school and love learning.  I hope that you will be kind and gentle with your classmates.  I hope that you will share and be a leader.  I hope you have a great school year! 

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