Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sister Twister - 17 months

****The picture in this post are brought to you by my new camera!  It is fantastic and what is even more fantastic is that I found it used and for a great price********

Sister Bear you turned 17 months on July 4th!  I haven't done a recap on you in a while and I figure I better get it done because you are growing up so fast that it is absolutely crazy to me! 

You probably weigh about 23 or 24 pounds wear a size 4 diaper and mostly 18 month clothes.

You make me laugh so much all the time.  You bring me bows and tell me to put them in your hair even though you hardly have any.  You walk around so proud of yourself and your bows! It cracks me up!

You love to be just like your big sister and pretty much follow her around and do everything just like her. It is so cute!

You give the biggest smiles and can be so happy.  But beware because you can get angry in a matter of seconds!  You definelty have a little temper

You love to be naked.  You would be naked all day if I let you. It is really fine by me but I really wish you would leave you diaper on because the other day I heard your sister say, "Sister don't pee on the floor.  We pee in the potty!" Thats not good my dear, not good at all.

I think you have just about narrowed yourself down to 1 nap now.  It has been like a 3 month long process but I think that you are finally ready.  You go to bed around 9 and sleep until about 8 or 8:30.  I am really liking that party.  You still sleep about half the night in your bed and the other half in my bed.  I have been enjoying sleeping in with you.

You already have a great love of Dora.  When I turn Dora on you run around so happy saying Dora, Dora, and Boots, Boots!

You talk all the time.  Some of it is babble but much of it is true words. You now know too many words to list and say new stuff everyday.  My favorite from the last week is you saying, "I stink, I stink" when you had a poopy diaper. Hilarious!

You are a pretty good eater and are willing to try a lot of things.  You are still nursing a few times a day and a couple of times at night.

You love to be outside and you and your sister have been lucky in that we are having a pretty mild summer and are getting to play outside almost every evening!

We love you so much sister bear! You keep us all smiling!

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