Sunday, July 22, 2012

I love these girls and my new camera

I love these girls so much and I am loving my new camera that is allowing me to catch their little smiles a lot easier!

Mckenzie is sort of a camera hog and I can always get her to smile really good for me.

Bailey, however, takes after her father and I have to beg her to let me take her picture most of the time! 

Smile, please, smile!

Ok thats a little bit of a smile.

Most of my pictures are of her talking though!  She talks A LOT!  I have no idea where she got this! :)

Duke are you smiling?  HA!

It is much easier to get pictures of sister when she is on the move with my new camera and I love it.  I hated that my old camera hesitated and hated blurry pictures even more.

Can I get another smile sugie bear?

Now there is a super smile!

Have I told yall how much Mckenzie loves the dogs?  She calls them both by there names and is always following them and loving on them far more than Bailey ever has.

"Yes, mom?"

This girl loves to dance and now I can get pictures that aren't all blurry of her doing it! LOVE IT! Dance Sugie, Dance!

Even pictures of jumping!

Pictures of daddy eating "food"

and finally funny faces while playing with moon dough! 

Yep, I love these girls and I love my new camera!

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