Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fun at the Lake

A couple of weekends ago we went out to a little lake that is by the land that we own.  Bailey and Trever sit in the canoe in the backyard but we haven't put it in the water in a long time.  Bailey started telling Trever that she wanted to "take the boat to the duck pond"

So, we packed up lunch and headed out.  It was a beautiful afternoon and the lake was really full from all the rain so it was perfect for a canoe ride.

Trever probably appreciated that there was no wind.

This monkey was not a fan of the canoe but she is a fan of getting dirty. 

I am pretty sure she sees how many outfits she can dirty in one day and really puts my getting out stain skills to the test.

Gus loved it too and apparently is a much better swimmer than Duke.  He would chase after Trever when he would leave on the canoe.

Mckenzie and I hung out on the pier looking for daddy and Bailey

Sweet little face.

Get it gus!  He is just attacking the water!

Duke was with us too but he was happy to stay back on the shore with me.  He has never liked swimming in his almost 10 years of life.

Bailey helped paddle and they road in that canoe until they were both sweat monkeys.

Mckenzie eating snacks.

Then Bailey decided to play in the mud.

She is not always big on getting dirty but didn't seem to care this day.

Muddy hands!

She kept getting closer and closer to the water.

 Eventually she went all the way in

"Mom can I take my dress off?"

Of course my little country girl.

My little skinny dipper

The life guards!  HA!

We had a great day!

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