Thursday, April 26, 2012


Bailey is starting to learn to make excuses.  Probably not the thing that you should be bragging about or making a blog post about but they are hilarious!  Here are a few examples:

Me: Bailey you need to share with your sister.
Bailey: I can't share.  My hands are too slippery.

Me: Bailey it is about time to go to bed.
Bailey: I can't go to sleep.  My eyes are too blue.

Me: Bailey you need to go and put your pull up in the trash.
Bailey: I can't put it in the trash my hands are too small.

Me: Bailey it is about time to go (from the sandpit at the zoo)
Bailey: I can't go right now my hands are digging.

Me: Bailey it is about time to put up the toys and go inside
Bailey: I can't go inside I need to be playing right now. 

HA!  OH me oh my! Here we go!  At least she is cute!

1 comment:

Mommy's Journeys said...

Well, I guess she could have tried that one: No, Momma. I can't because I'm too cute! That girl!