Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Wrap up

We started our Easter festivities last week with a egg hunt one morning with my Moms Club.  Bailey "helped" me make her little hat.

THis little turkey had fun playing around!

Of course there were cupcakes so she was tickled pink!  This girl can spot a cupcake a mile away.

Sugie enjoyed the cupcakes too.

After crafts and playing around it was time for the egg hunt.  Bailey was super excited and pick up as many eggs as she could.

She even helped sister get her eggs becuase she was busying throwing a fit most of the time about wanting to swing and she needed a nap.

She also needed a juice box! HA!  This girl is a mess and I am going to have to keep my eye on her sweet tooth!

On Easter Sunday Mimi and Poppy came over for lunch and to hang out with the girls.  Poppy was a good sport because he had to help Bailey with her sticker book and that is pretty much all she wanted to do all day.  Also, not that she had to put on her new Princess PJs over her clothes.

Mimi and Mckenzie playing peek a boo! 

Mckenzie playing around.  We had taken her shirt off for lunch and never put it back on.  The girl is obsessed with shoes right now.  Not putting them on her feet but putting them on her hands!

Just like this.  She is also walking everywhere!

Bailey also made Poppy's shoe extra fancy with her new Easter stickers!

Where are the eggs?  HA!  We had a great EAster!

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