Saturday, July 23, 2011

Catching up

I have been a little behind on blogging. I have the time to do it I just sometimes don't want to mess with the pictures and I hate blogging without pictures! Also, I haven't been taking that many pictures. I need to work on that too!

A couple of weeks ago we went with my friend SHelli and her son Logan to Chuck E Cheese. Despite what this picture looks like Bailey had a blast! HA!

See! She did smile and have fun. To bad my picture is blurry.

She met the creepy character and didn't care too much!

I am still a couponing fool and learn more everyday. There is a coupon club in my neighborhood and also a Facebook group that I am in. I am learning a lot from the ladies. The most recent thing is using hispanic grocery store ads to price match at walmart for things like meat and produce which are the things that rarely if not never have coupons. Anyway, I got everything pictured above which is 10 pounds of chicken, 6 roma tomatos, 6 oranges, 3 pounds of bananas, and 6 12 ounce packages of bacon. TOTAL COST: $19.54. Yipee! THe chicken itself would have cost me right about that.

EVeryone has asked about potty training. We are still just doing a lot of talking about it and even sported panties one day but I just don't think she is quite ready yet. Maybe soon though.

I still do get an occasionaly monkey picture with the sister bear! HA! She turned 24 weeks old just yesterday and I got a few!

She is getting so big! So fast!

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