Thursday, July 7, 2011

5 months old!

Sister Bear, you turned 5 months old on July 4th! We celebrated with fireworks! HA! You continue to be a pretty easy going, happy baby. Here is what you are up to these days.

1) You wear 3/6 and some 6/9 month clothes, size 2 diaper and I would guess you weigh around 14 pounds.

2) You let out really big smiles all the time and do this little laugh/cough thing. No belly laughing yet.

3) You are really loving your exersaucer and can get to bouncing in it. You don't really enjoy laying down to play that much. If I do lay you down to play you roll all over the place.

4) You take 3 naps a day. Sometimes you have 4 naps if we are on the go and you catch a car nap. You love your swing and still take about 1/2 of your naps in it. You sleep pretty good at night. I still have you in your bassinet because you still get up once for a snack and mommy is to tired and lazy to have you across the house. Also, mommy isn't ready for you to grow up. You have started to take some naps in your big girl crib though and you seem to like it just fine.

5) You like to have things to play with all the time. You are really reaching and grabbing for things. If I don't give you something to play with then you make by with your feet.

6) WE have put you in the outdoor swing and it is no suprise that you love it! Swinging and outside are to of your favorite things.

7) You love bath time even if you are really tired.

8) THe only times you really cry is if you are tired or your sister is too rough with you.

9) We are working on you sitting up. You need to boppy to help you but I bet in the next couple of months you will have it down.

WE love you so much sister bear and can't wait to see what you do this next month!

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