Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tree Redecorating, Standin' Around, baby doll eyes and 51 weeks...picture catchup

WARNING: The following blog post should be contained in many different posts over several weeks. However, the blog owner has been tired and is thus just now catching up! :)


If you need any redecorating just let me know. I will send over the suar bear to help you out. She has actually done really great with the tree and hasn't really messed with it. However the other day I found her like this! :) (Also note I finally found a pair of shoes that she will keep on her feet!)


Bailey has been standing without holding on to something for at least a couple of weeks now and it seems to get better each day. She can really stand there for quite a while now and has even taken a few baby steps. :)

Look at me I can stand!


She is quite proud of herself!


Remember the creepy baby doll eyes when you were younger were the eyes open and close? Well Bailey I think may think they are creepy too.

Open or close them baby...decide!

Hey mom!

51 WEEKS!!!

Wow I have really been behind on the monkey pics and I am afriad these pics are less than desirable. It was actually quite comical trying to take them.

Laying down with the monkey...ain't gonna do it!

Try again...still aint gonna do it

How about sitting up...nope aint going to do that either and you will note fom pics below that the monkey was quickly tossed aside. Guess he isn't her friend anymore! :)

Poor poor monkey!
Some ONE is turning ONE in ONE week!

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