Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas and Sugar Bear enjoyed every minute of it. She didn't quite grasp the concept of everything going on but did enjoy her gifts and of course playing with her cousins. Sugar Bear's first Christmas turned out to be white Christmas and it was pretty much everyones first white Christmas around here too. Here is my sisters house on Christmas morning as proof that snow does occasionally fall around here. :)

I am glad that my sister got a picture of sugar bear on Christmas eve in her cute Christmas pjs because her diaper leaked that night and she had to get her day clothes on to see what Santa brought her.

Speaking of Santa this is what he brought sugar bear. She is crawling in to check it out.

Hmmm....a car and you can even keep stuff inside!

...and you can even push it too! :)

She hasn't learned to ride it yet but LOVED for Kelsey to push her around on it.

Well as you can see Sugar bear loved all of her gifts. As we drove home last night from having a wonderful Christmas with family my mind I was taken back to Christmas last year. Trev and I had anxiously been awaiting the arrival of the bear and were pretty disappointed that she was not here. It was all we really wanted for Christmas. Then that evening I went into labor and the next day we would receive the best gift in the world and now here we are this year getting to share Christmas with the best gift in the world. So, I guess in hindsight it is pretty neat that this was her first Christmas and not last year when she would just be entering the world!

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