Sunday, November 29, 2009

11 months!

Bailey bear you turned 11 months old on Thanksgiving Day! I can't beleive that it is less than a month until you are 1. I feel like you have changed a lot in this last month but I think I might have said that last month. I am seriously lacking pictures on this post but I think that everyone might be pictured out from Thanksgiving post with a million pics! This is what you are up to these days

1) Wear a size 3 diaper, 18 month shirts, and 12 month pants
2) I think you weigh about 21 or 22 pounds
3) You seem to really be into feeding yourself more these days. You are not crazy about picking up fruits and veggies so I am still smashing those up for you and feeding them to you. You have been eating turkey, chicken, and cheese like it is going out of style!
4) You are nursing about 4 sometimes 5 times. You nurse the most in the morning and at night before bed though. I think the other nursings are just check ins.
5) You go to bed around 7 or 8 and get up between 6 or 7. You take 2 naps a day one around 9 and the other around 1 or 2. Every now and then you will skip a morning nap but you do much better with one. :)
6) You are cruising around on the furniture now and it is so cute. You let go and stand every now and then but haven't quite realized that you could then take a few steps.
7) Duke is your best friend and you play with him everyday. He is pretty tolerant of your playing and it gives you great joy to play with his tail and laugh!

8) Your 2 bottom teeth are just about all the way in and I can see the top ones just below the gums but they don't seem to be bothering you too much.

9) You love bath time and as soon as you hear the water being drawn at night you crawl in there to get ready.

10) You babble a lot these days. You say dada, dog or duke (it sounds like something with a d) and mama but I am not sure you know mama goes with me.

I love you so much sugar bear and I am so excited about your upcoming 1st birthday party. It is going to be a ladybug theme and so much fun! You have learned and changed so much in the last 11 months that I just can't believe. Love you lots and lots!

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