Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sign me up for Oprah in 7 years

So I was reading blogs today as I while I was pumping at work and read over on Kelly's Corner about how she had weaned Harper and I literally had a stream of tears running down my face. I so never want that day to happen. If you have never nursed a baby or I guess I should say been successful at nursing a baby because the beginning can be tough you might just think it is crazy that some lady would be sitting there with her boobs hooked up to a pump at work, reading blogs and crying like a baby but that was me today. I always thought that I would nurse Bailey for a year and then it would just be real easy to stop but now that it is only 2 months away I think no way Jose I ain't going to do it. Actually after I nurse her the first time I figured that once she hit a year that I would nurse in the morning and evening for a while and see how it goes and forget about pumping while at work. After reading that post today however I thought I am never stopping and then had envisions of myself on Oprah claiming that nursing a 7 year old is totally acceptable! HA! Just kidding I won't be that lady....or will I?

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