Monday, October 26, 2009

10 months! Yipee!

Bailey Sugar Bear you turned 10 months old today! I can't beleive how much you have changed in the last month! You are still so much fun and me and your daddy love you more and more each day. Here is what you are up to these days:

1) You still wear a size 3 diaper but I don't think for long..might be our last box

2) I think I have figured fall/winter clothes out for you now. You need 18 month tops for your long torso and 12 month pants for your short legs. :)

3) You nurse or take a bottle (at sitters) about 4 or 5 times a day.

4) You eat a couple of things of food I make for you at the sitters which includes pears, mangos, peaches, yogurt, bananas, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes. I just put together a bunch of stuff and send you off with it.

5) You will eat almost anything from me and daddy's plate as long as we put it in your mouth. you will sit there like a baby bird and eat whatever we feed you. As far as feeding yourself you are still not real interested except for puffs and Ritz crackers (Who doesn't love Ritz?) and every now and then a morsel of cheese, carrots or green beans
6) You go to bed around 7 and get up around 7 in the morning. You take a couple of naps with a short nap in the morning. I think you might be thinking about only taking one nap the last week or so because you morning naps have gotten really short or you have skipped it all together.

7) You are super busy and crawl so fast now and will follow me and daddy from room to room.

8) You have quite a few toys but have fun playing with things that are not your toys. Sometimes it seems like you are inventing new tools or something.

9) You have a couple of bottom teeth that are not completly in yet. They bothered you for a couple of nights but they haven't been that bad.

10) You by far think that Duke is one of the funniest things. You love to crawl over to him and grab onto him. He usually just sits there and takes it. You do this really cute squat and smile right before you are about to "get" him.

11) You love bath time. Daddy usually gives you your bath. While he is getting the water ready I will sometimes take your clothes off in your room on the floor and then you streak through the hallway. :)

12) You do this really funny thing where you clap your feet. This weekend we finally got you to clap your hands but you I think you still like clapping your feet the best.

13) You pull up and investigate lots of things and have recently discovered the DVR. I think you might be trying to record some show or something.

WE love you so much sugar bear! I can't believe that you will be 1 year old in a couple of months! Love you lots and lots!

1 comment:

Mommy's Journeys said...

too cute! Even though I just saw her two weeks ago, I think her hair has grown! What a big girl!