Monday, December 22, 2008

Bailey passes her first "test"

I had my doctor's appointment today and everything is still looking good. I am 2cm and 80% effaced so things are changing and as Lindsey the midwife said things are emminent. Lindsey still has her bets on Wednesday. I am still thinking she will try and make an appearance on Wednesday but really won't be here until Christmas. They sent me downstairs to the hospital observation unit for a Non Stress Test which basically they monitor the babies heart rate for 20 minutes to make sure that it doesn't drop and stays steady. Bailey passed with flying colors and kept her heartrate between 120 and 125 bmp the whole time. We also got some of the admission questions out of the way. Man if I had been in labor and they would have asked me the last time I had a bowel movement or cocaine I would have hit someone! :)

1 comment:

Barbara said... exciting to know it will be happening soon!