Saturday, August 16, 2008

You are not that Big?????

This has been a phrase that after 30 years of life people actually utter to me. It is a very strange concept but perhaps one I could get used to. Of course people are really just talking about my prego belly and not me. :) I hear it everyday..."how many months are you", "You don't look like you are 5 months prego!" "Where is that baby hiding?" and my all time favorite "You haven't gained any weight have you?" Anyway, I find it quite amusing that I had to get pregnant for people to call me small. I am rather wise in my clothes choices. I think about what I put on before I wear it and try and wear things that are flattering. Trever who has seen me less than clothed has a better up close and personal view of what is really happening to my body. So for those of you who have not seen me in person I will try and post some pictures soon (with clothes on that is) so you can decided whether I am big or small. If it is the latter you may comment if it is the first then save your comments. Of course too, this post may very likely send me into a 50 pound weight gain the last 4 months. :)

1 comment:

April said...

I wish those were the comments I was getting! First thing my sister said to me today was "OMG! How big is that baby." Luckily I know that I've done nothing but lose weight during this pregnancy (with my doctors blessing of course). We're scheduling the C-section on Monday! Now the odds of making it to Oct 4th are very limited in my book. I think this baby will show up around the 23rd of September.