Friday, August 16, 2013

Water Park Time!

Took my little fish to a little city water park by my sisters house in Hurst. The girls had a blast and this little park was fantastic! Perfect for young kids!  The life guards were great and the kids could ride all the slides there.
Mckenzie was even able to go down the bigger blue slide and she loved it. 
It was for sure Bailey's favorite and she probably rode it 100 times. She was pretty proud of herself that she could slide down without a life jacket and swim to the side.
We had a fun time with Cousin Harper!
There were some smaller slides too.  They went really SLOW! HA!
Harper coming down the pink slide
We will for sure be going back next year.  If you are curious it is Central Aquatics Center in Hurst. 
They have these 3 little kid slides. 
Not a great picture but there is an activity pool and then a kids playground off in the distance.  the kids played on it some but they were mostly interested in the other stuff.
Of course there was the "big" blue slide that they all loved the most! It was a fun time! Thanks Aunt Karen and Harpie!

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