Saturday, July 6, 2013

Blueberry Hill 2013

We went to pick blueberries again this year at Blueberry Hill in Edom, TX.  Sister had fallen asleep on the way there so she was not amused by picture taking in the beginning! ;)
It was a toasty day and I think that nice weather over the holiday weekend made the berries pretty picked over but we had a fun time.  A guy that worked there said they had 1000 visitors on July 4th!

My sister and Harper went with us.
I think Harpie had a lot of fun!
Daddy helping sister pick some berries
Sister wasn't into picking berries as she was a few weeks ago.  She just mostly played like she was swiper and hid in her fox hole.  HA!
After sweating and picking blueberries we all enjoyed some yummy blueberry ice cream.
Sugie thought it was tasty
Red, messy faced twisty.
Then at the end Sugie did not want to pose for pictures but twisty was ready! HA! Bailey did take some pictures in another sign but I will have to get those from my sister.
Harpie and Twisty! It was a fun time! Thanks for coming with us.
Just for comparison here are the girls last year. They have grown so much! Bailey's head now covers the word Blueberry in the sign.

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