Monday, July 22, 2013

Art Camp

Bailey went to an art camp at Arts a Blast before we left on vacation.  Here she is the first day. She was excited but also a little nervous.  Sorry for the blurry pic.
I was hesitant about signing her up for this camp because it was a little pricey but by the end of the first day I could see that she was going to do really cool stuff there! 
By the end of the second day her art work was complete! She was very proud of her "city"
I pulled these next couple of pictures from arts a blast Facebook page.  Sugie in action
Her class with their masterpieces.
End of the 3rd day with her "monster" project.  I had asked her how she made them and she told me with a straw.  To be honest I was doubtful but then...
sure enough on the FB page there it was Sugie using a straw! HA!
Mr. Clark teaching teaching them.  Always good to know your child is paying attention while you are away.
Her final piece of art camp was her "dog kitty"
Again, from FB her in action
Bailey had a blast and I was so glad that she got to go and experience it! We will for sure try it again next year!  Now to find a place for her art work!

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