Friday, January 6, 2012

11 months old!

I can't believe that you are 11 months old my sister bear! Time is going way to fast.  Somedays you still seem like my little baby and then other days I think you are getting so big.  HEre is what you are up to these days.

1) I am guessing you weigh about 18 pounds and wear mostly 12 month clothes and a size 3 diaper.

2) You nurse 4 or 5 times a day and eat 3 "meals."  You have really started to eat like a big girl though and will try just about anything.  You really don't like to be spoon fed anymore except for pears, yogurt, and ice cream! HA! 

3)  You can say momma, dada, ball, and will repeat just about sounds that we make.  You really like to growl and mimic us. :)

4) You pull up on everything now and have even seen you taking a few side steps while holding onto the sofa.  I think we are a little away from walking though. :)

5) You love to be outside and we have been having some beautiful weather lately.  Bailey loves to push you around in the little red car and you like it a lot too.

6)  You take 2 naps now.  A short one in the morning around 9:30 or so and a longer one in the afternoon around 1:30 or 2.  You go to be around 7 and get up around 7.  You still wake in the night for a snack or two or three.

7)  You are usually pretty happy although this last month you had a few weeks where you were really unhappy.  Not really sure what was going on with that but you seem better and much happier now!

8) Sometimes you play out in the backyard with your sister.  You 2 are already getting into things.  I found you out there playing in the dirt today. :)

9)  You love to "help" me with the laundry.

10)  We love you so much you sweet sister bear.  I can't believe it has been almost a year since we met you.  Seems like you have always been apart of our lives.  Can't wait to see what you learn this next month!

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