Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Too big for her britches!

The pictures really say it all! That Sugie of mine is just getting way to big too fast. She is slowly becoming less of my baby and more like a sassy little girl! She is talking more and more and really seems to understand most of what I say now. It is hilarious. We are still having our moments of miscommunication but at least we are getting closer to a 2-way communication street. She can also really go into full on tantrum mode at any given moment. Which of course is amplified 10 times when she is tired. She is really talking about poop poo and pee pee and wanting you to change her diaper. Her most recent stunt is crib escaping! She had actually escaped once this summer but it scared her and now she has it down quite to a science! HA! Luckily she only climbs out when she is trying to go to bed but only has woken up once in the middle of the night and climbed out. Usually it only takes me a couple of times of putting her back and maybe sitting on her floor before she is settled for the night. I am just waiting to see how things go before converting her bed to a toddler bed. We actually don't have the rails yet so we need to order them but I just don't think she is ready yet becuase she is still a wild sleeper. Good news too is that she does not know how to open doors so she can't escape her room YET! HA! Love you lots and lots you little crazy Sugie bear!

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