Sunday, June 10, 2012


The other day when we went to the children's museum Bailey worked for probably 20 mintues very hard to gather up these ducks.  She would get a few of them and then another kid would take one of them or they would float again.  There were a lot of ducks on the water table and I wondered what exactly she was doing.

Then she came over, with her hands as full as can be and said, "I got my family."  I asked her what the ducks names were and one of the big ones was "Mommy" the other big one was "Daddy" the first baby one was "Sugie" and the last baby one was "sister." SHe told me, "The ducks are all together now and they are happy."  It warmed my soul.  I love our little family too Sugie bear.  I love when we are all together and getting to do stuff.  I love that you like your sister to do everything with us.  I just love it so much my little Sugie and I love you too!   

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