Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunbonnet Sue - Special Gifts for Bailey

Bailey recieved a special gift from Trev's grandma (granny) and aunt today. It is a beautiful quilt made just for Bailey. Granny put the quilt together and Becky did the quilting. It is hard to really caputre how beautiful it is and the detail of the quilting with the camera but thought I would share. It means a lot to me since I do not have any grandma's still alive and therefore Bailey only has 1 surviving great-grandma. :) Anyway the quilt is titled sunbonnet Sue. When you come and visit remind me to show it to you.


Melody said...

Awwwww...that IS the special-est!!

Williams Family said...

very sweet. they do such a wonderful job!! can't believe you only have 28 days!!! seems like it has gone by fast (for me anyway) : ) Can't wait to meet our baby girl!!