Monday, July 28, 2008

3 out of 4?

3 out of 4? What? Pregnant thats what! From left to right we are all pregnant: Jenna, Catharine, and Me! The only one who is not pregnant is Missy (she actually had baby #1 in her belly here) and she had her second baby in the fall of last year. So, Missy I don't know if you were ready for baby number 3 yet but watch are close to bridesmaid baby dust! :) Anyway, I am so excited that we are getting to experience this together. Especially since I sort of thought waiting to have babies when I was 30 meant having them well after everyone else had! In case you are curious I am due in December, Jenna is due in Feb and Catharine is due in March. :) Yipee!


Michelle said...

I think you should add that I am preggers with my first (close to popping) in the photo of your wedding and not just a very large individual. As far as baby #3 goes, it could happen (getting pregnant again) before you deliver in December. Who knows? I could be cookin' #3 right now and not even know it. :)

catinbody said...

Hey there. Wow, I can't believe I get to be included in this!! I never thought it would happen.