Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2 years ago

I remember exactly 2 years ago like it was yesterday. I started my day as usual with a bunch of 12 year olds in the midst of puberty eager to learn math. Ok the eager to learn math part is a stretch but trust me the "in the midst of puberty" thing is so the truth. Anyway, after a fun filled day at school I went to have a pedicure. Thats the kindof thing you do after getting off work when you have no kids and you figure your husband can fend for himself on dinner. While getting a pedicure I saw a former student who had a baby. Wow! She had a child quite young but frankly I felt quite old. Perhaps the baby was a sign of my evening to come.

On my way home I decided to buy a pregnancy test. When I got home I didn't tell Trev I had bought it becuase I had taken many over the months that had been negative and figured there was no reason for a big fuss. So, hurried into the bathroom hoping he wouldn't walk in on me in midstream trying to aim the stream on a stick. I lay the test down and changed my clothes while it processed and then went back and looked. Yep, I was pregnant. I wasn't quite sure how to feel. I was a bit shocked. I mean we had been trying but it had been several months and I just couldn't believe it was true. I had always thought I would tell Trev in some creative way but I needed reinforcements to tell me it wasn't a dream. So, I went into the office to tell him and then declared that maybe I wasn't fit to be a mom and that maybe I should only be a mom to great danes.

I layed on the bed and soon we were both fillled with excitement. It is weird to think back to that moment when Bailey was a tiny little ball of cells in me and we had never met her because now I can't imagine life without her. Everyone always told me that motherhood is tough and will be a lot harder than you ever imagine. I am not sure I get that all the way. Ya there are some hard days but I honestly say I love every minute of it. Being a mom has been so natural to me.

Anyway, I was just thinking about the signficance of the date today and how lucky I am to be mama. Wow! The last 2 years have been the best!

1 comment:

April said...

Motherhood is great and I wouldn't change a thing, but I felt the same way about motherhood being easy, until Andrew was born! ha! I just sat in the car and cried this morning because he's hating his daycare and cries a cry that breaks my heart when I leave. Then he pounds on the door saying momma .. gut wrenching. The 14 months of sleepless nights ... the 14 days in NICU .. what a challenge to my sanity!

But, I do remember finding out I was pregnant very vividly with both of mine - Feb 4, 2006 and Feb 6, 2008. Both wonderful days!