Friday, January 23, 2009

4 weeks

Wow I can't believe that Bailey was born 4 weeks ago! Where does all the time go. I also realized I haven't posted any pictures all week! We had quite a few visitors over the last week all of which I successfully did not get any pictures of. I really need someone to follow me around taking pictures and really need a new camera as well. Anyway last weekend Trev's Dad, Brother, and Nephew came to visit and then the Fikkert Five and Shelli and Chris came on Sunday. This week we had a visit from Diane and Andrew.

I did take a couple of pictures this week. Duke continues to be a perfect big brother. One evening he cuddled up to Bailey as she was napping on her boppy it was a little to close for comfort but it did make a perfect picture oppurtunity. The other picture was my attempt at putting Bailey in a dress. I thought it was going to fit because the onsie that went under the dress fit pefectly but the dress seemed way to big but I took a pic none the less. Bailey's favorite pastimes at 4 weeks are:

1) Eating
2) Chillin on the Boppy kickin her legs
3) Laying on the Tummy Time mat talking to mommy
4) Sittin in Bouncey seat while mom showers....the water is relaxing
5) and of course...a little sleep here and there


Melody said...

Bailey, you are getting ready to pass up that monkey! Stop growing so fast!! :)

Michelle said...

Love the pic with Duke! He's all about having a pillow under his chin. Enjoy being able to leave her asleep on the couch like that--it won't be long before she's doing too much scootin' around to trust her. :)